Saturday, September 30, 2006
had a kinda productive time at grace's hse... she revised econs with me.. n had conquered 2 out of 3 econs assignment questions... yay!!!
reached campus for sociology lecture.. its like 6 to 9.30pm... grace n i realli dread going back to sch at that hour for lecture... zzz...
after class ends... dear dear came to fetch mi after his work... hehe... *grin* my mood was kinda swing over the moon when he msg mi that he was on his way to sch... haha.. =p love u love u...
no class tml.. gosh... i can slp the whole day!!! hah.. as if... got to read through my sociology books.. got assignment to hand in 2 weeks time... i have totally no clue wad the hell is going on... hmm....
anyway... going to zzz now... nite peeps..
***dear, i love u... *bleah* dun say i never say k... i have, had, will say it... n i mean it!!! love u love u love u~~~
Friday, September 29, 2006
lotsa probs comes up.. mayb cannot get a chalet... hmm... thinking of an alternative.... any suggestion pple??
got to slp... going to grace's hse tml n got sociology class at nite...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
i must say that i had lock my room door since i got home... i know she had been trying to open them... but i want to get my point straight... that i m fucking angry... n m fucking pissed at her... i did see any more reason to tok to her anymore....
was supposed to meet dear dear tonite... but haiz... dear... i miss u...
my FUCKING small aunt... called mi at 7.44 am... to scold mi... for?? coming home late... she dun stay with mi... so how the fucking hell she know??? all thanks to my FUCKING mum! she juz wan one more person to scold mi.. to make my life miserable...
i realli tot i had went thru the same fucking prob with my mum duno how many donkey times... that i dun like her to keep call mi... especially every 15 min or 30 mins... it is fucking fucking irriating.... why cant that get thru her fucking brain??? why must she do things to make me hate her so much??? why must she make me hate my whole family so much??
my aunt dun stay with mi u know.. she dun even take care of mi... she dun even gimmi allowance.. n i have to take care of her dog while she happily go for her diving during weekends... WTH!!!
i explained to my aunt that i had an agreement with my mum that i m able to go back home late... i did not overdo it ok... i tried to b back hm b4 8pm every single fucking day... or stayed at hm if i got no sch or driving... or i not need to meet dear... n i DID tell her last nite that i m going out.. n that i WILL b home very late... so.... juz wad is the FUCKING prob??? or shld i say... wad is HER prob??? i even told my aunt that today is me n jer's one year anniversary... her reply was... so wad the fuck??? anniversary so wad?? big fuck??... that was my aunt's reply..
i realised my family juz dun understand how much 26th sept meant to mi... they juz duno... juz becoz my aunts are spinsters... doesn't mean i have to b one u know... i have someone besides my grandma who is realli concern for mi... not juz for show or juz wan to find trouble to you..
and i was realli spending quality time with him... why is it that they muz spolit everything??? why muz u fucking hell call mi 7 plus in the morning to yell at me??? who u think u are?? u are juz my aunt... nothing else more... nothing else!
i dun even wan to b related to all of u... i dun wan... i dun need such family members... i dun wan to b blood related to u... if i have a fucking choice... i rather not to be born... why juz u pple juz leave mi alone... i juz wan some time to myself... some time to spend with someone i might onli c once a week... spend some time with the someone who is my bf... why???
why must all of you even come n bother me on my driving??? i m not spending your money... i m NOT spending your money... dear dear is the one sponsoring my driving lesson... so why juz cant u pple juz keeping u fucking mouth shut???? why must u call mi early in the morning to throw temper at mi???
i m a human... i m not a dog.. that u can chain up ok.. then u can control or confined... u had confined me for more than 19 years... i think thats enough....
said that i have to earn that trust??? then let mi tell u... u pple have to earn the respect... if i had never fight for my rights the day i moved out frm this hse 1 n half years ago... until today.. u pple are still going to treat me like a 2 year old kid... now.. u pple r juz beginning to treat mi like a 12 years old teen... juz beginninig onli...
if u pple dun let go... how u expect mi to earn the trust from u... how u expect mi to let u earn my respect? how?? this kind of thing is mutual k...
now.. juz becoz my mum got this fucking depression which she refused treatment... she juz think she has the rights to do things her way... she juz think that she can go ard tell everyone that... she had never yelled at mi... let mi put it clear... she is juz making use of my aunts to yell at mi... she is trying to act pitiful..
I m officially declaring war with u... KOH HWEE LAN... no matter wad or how dear talk to mi wun change my mind... if i can transfused out all my blood to b not related to u.. i would... i tell u... i would!! u may say i m childish.. but enuff is enuff...
great... my big day... my sweet n loving feeling frm last nite had dissolving to nth but anger n hate for my mum n my fucking aunt...
great...this is juz great... FUCK!!
26th Sept 2005 1st year anniversary
Its been a great year for the both of us.. but i muz say... we did have our tough time together rite... the odds are against us.. n we are still holding on together.. =)
I m realli glad that u found mi 1 year ago.. n caught hold of mi.. tightly... i never thought that there could b someone out there who could love mi n sacrifice so much for mi... u proved mi wrong... u r that someone who did it... who did so many things... who did everything for our future...
I promise i will give u my total trust (total total!!)... n support u in wadever u decides to do...
I believe that this 1st year is juz a beginning for the both of us.. its juz a stepping stone to the start of our milestone in the many years to come...
Less but not least.. thank you dear for all the things u've done for mi.. n thank u for ur endless love n concern...
With lots n lots of Love,
Your dear, Esther.
26th Sept 2006 0524hrs.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
express way
missed andy's wedding today... sorry... but hey congratulations ya...
hmm... arrived at yvonne's bday party together with daoren n eileen... onli a few of us were there... then dear dear came to pick mi up at the party...
both of us juz did some crazy thing... for the very 1st time in my life... i had conquered the CTE... yesh.. CTE refers to the expressway... both dear n mi WALKED the CTE frm yvonne's hse (chuan park) all the way to ang mo kio... we kind of wan to walk to some shop to buy sth but... eh.. we oso duno how we ended up at the expressway...
well... lots of cars n cars n cars... and yes of coz bikes juz zoomed past us... and stared at the two of us in amazement... n yes.. we received alot of welcoming horns frm the cars....
a very rough n tough walk.. we walked on grass patch... drain... grass patch again.. n drain again... then finally on the expressway's shoulder... but the both of us made it... =)
n u noe wads the end result condition of my pair of shoes?

power??? haha... they practically... literally... fall apart... =p... and this was the 2nd pair of shoe that i wore out... and broke... hmm... weird.. will a third pair spoilt as well?? hmm... we shall c...
n finally... dear i love u... =)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Bday wishlist
my bday~~~
if u guys are fretting over wad to get for mi for my 21st bday... here's a guideline... *haha*
1. Addias Jacket
2. Digital Camera
3. Uzap
4. Crumpler Bag
5. Strip Waxing Voucher
6. Stila Treatment Powder
7. Polarite (is the spelling correct??)
if all else fails... juz gimmi money... cash... dun bother to get mi any more alcohol or liquior... i have alot...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
tired... but happy n contented.. =)
hmm.. baby seems to b very troubled these 2 weeks... mostly over work... cheer up k.. dun think so much... love u love u... *huggies*
1st driving lesson coming up soon... this fri~!~!~ nervous nervous.. how how... haha... the most lang gang onli hor... lol...
oya.. pple.. plz stop asking mi out on next sat (23rd)... coz i m fully book... busy busy...
hmmm... planning on holding a birthday bash... my birthday bash... going to join up with weiling... (since her bday is on the 7th n mine is on the 9th..) but still trying to get a decent chalet... asking dear dear to help...=)
invitation will b given out soon... after the confirmation of the chalet location..
hee... all are invited to come... of coz.. bring urself n sth.. dun come empty handed ah... lol... haha... joking joking...
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Sentosa with Grandma on 090906
juz return hm from a non-suntanning sentosa trip... yup... i was with my grandma... she had finally step foot in sentosa again after 20 odd years...
1st stop... underwater world... sry to say... its boring... not to mention freaking cold... no great white... no starfish.. corals are miserable... blah blah blah...

oh...the chicken rice costed 8 bucks... hmm....
2nd stop... dolphin lagoon... be4 the show starts... got 2 otters or sth like tat came out.. sooooooo cute... still wave n say hi too... =D.... the pink dolphins are adorable too.. got to pat them.... so soft...
then to the merlion... went all the way to the top... n then the mouth... nice view...
afterwhich... we slowly walked dwn the merlion walk.. towards the musical fountain...
haiz.. the show starts at 7.40pm.. n it was pretty crowded at 5 pluz already... singaporeans... kiasu... well.. i guess that applies to mi oso.. haha...
purposely chose a corner seat at the 2nd circle... COZ!!!!! my silly aunt wan to bring von to a musical fountain show.... -.-"" realli dots... made mi go all the way back to the visitor arrival centre to ask the staff whether pets can enter the musical fountain... asked twice... but times was YES... but muz be in a carrier... ok... fair enuff rite...
when my aunt arrived... with von... von is BARRED frm entering... what the heck... i made a big issue out of this matter...
long story.. long arguement... shall skip it...
anyway.. von still din get to go in... so he stay out with my aunt...
the fountain show was not bad... realli.. the monkey was cute... they realli wasted alot of water n fuel for the fire... haha..
hmm... upload the photos tml... stupid blogspot went bonkers...
Friday, September 08, 2006
dear dear got mi 2 comic books... =D... soooo long never buy le... thank u thank u...
hmm... dear was not feeling well when he came over my place... n still acc mi over my aunt's hse to look after von... n play with him somemore... love u...
muz take care k baby...

dear with von...

kaoz... he yawn!!!!

us!! like family rite... hehe...

von is playing with dear's socks... ekk... wet wet le...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Dear's 21st b-day 5th sept
i had so much i wan to say to him... but its hard to type or write dwn... (okok... its abit mushy... so.. haha... i shall say it to him lata part of the day...)

i had celebrated with him juz now... but i m gonna do it again here...
**happy blurp-day to u~~~
**happy butt-day to u~~
**happy bird-day to Dear dear~~
**happy birthday to u~~~~~
love u lot dear... muacks!!
>> dear... thanx for ur concern... =)
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Your Birthdate: November 9 |
Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic Your power color: Pine green Your power symbol: Circle Your power month: September |
pan's bash

*Take one*

*Take two*

*Take three n its a good take!* haha...
After everything ends... dear came to look for mi and brought mi to hogsbreaths n met up wif his colleagues... *yawn* had a long day... n long nite... (some incident happened... kinda freaked mi out) another long day tml...
got to go zzz...
Friday, September 01, 2006
Smiling is infectious.. u catch it like a flu...
When someone smiled at mi, i started smiling too..
A single smile is always juz right to break the ice...
Or... to make someone sad to smile along...
Its an epidemic...
Wad do u think??
Someone ard u does not show that set of teeth??
Show them urs now.... *blink blink* or... erm... mayb brush ur teeth 1st be4 flashing them...
haha... had been listening to lily allen's smile... most impt of all... dear dear actually inspired mi on this topic... coz whenever i m moody... or super mad... he can always make mi blust out in laughter.... =) love u dear....