Wednesday, August 27, 2008
coz family dun promise u thing when they know they cannot kept...
coz family dun question ur integrity when u say u will be able to responsible for urself...
coz family dun abandon u when u realli need help....
coz family dun scold u when u had already tried ur best....
i have no family... none... i m alone in this world... i have no family to speak of at all...
Monday, August 25, 2008
yes.. having bbq.. yes.. yest was raining.. and raining cats and dogs...
reached xinyu's hse with grace ard 2.30pm.. rain~~~
tian nee arrived ard 4plus... rain~~
played mahjong with erwin and grace until 5.30pm... rain~~ (i won $22 pluz.. hee...)
went down to set the fire... rain~~
started bbq-ing ard 6pm... rain~~
actually for a while the rain almosted stop.. but the moment grace said.. "later sure rain one loh.." boom! RAIN!!! big one somemore.. haha...
the bbq-pit was in the open.. so we move the cover to the bench to bbq...
Tiannee, me and Xinyu.. grace refuse to take foto..
finished eating and bbq-ing ard 9pm.. started playing cards.. haha.. i won $1.50 haha... started packing things up and moved back to Xinyu's hse for more mahjong~~
lost 50cents.. lol... but ok lah.. overall i still win $22... lol...
good experience today lah.. bbq in the rain.. everyone felt that machiam like "lost", "survivor" or jungle surviving training like that... haha... fun!
then and again.. we are worried abt our results.. god knows when the sch feels happy to release the results.. ... haiz.....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
言承旭 - 一半
一直等 一個人 等了很久
這一場 獨角戲 是很寂寞
春夏秋冬 我的窗口 只有風經過
愛很深 有多深 我也不懂
妳走後 我的心變的脆弱
聽一首歌 也覺得痛 但我誰也沒有
說右邊的座位 右邊的枕頭
為妳守候 那是因為 我已經看透
沒有妳的愛 這個我只是一半
不哭了 不笑了為誰努力 我也不明白
沒有人能 取代一個 圓的另一半
我固執 的等待 等風再把妳帶 回來
after work yest.. emily, zhu, eileen and i decided to celebrate bren's birthday @ Bliss.. haha.. it was like a super one mth early b-day celebration.. coz that woman's going to taiwan till jan next year...
my food~~~
the soup~
baby potato salad~
dory fillet with sweet onion sambal~
the food was pretty yummy... except that baozhu's spag was abit too salty... order a bottle of serenade hills... taste abit funny.. haha...
zhu and me...

zhu and i got bren a panda bear as present.. since she is like crazy over panda nowadays... so adding to her collections of pandas... may i present... Birthday the panda...

birthday the panda getting drunk and doing weird stuff...
he wanna try a puff too...
its was a time to gossip and literatelly tok cock when a bunch of girls get together.. especially baozhu.. she got so inspired abt dicks after emily started on a "extra service" topic.. haha.... and when eileen produces a bag of long balloons and a pump.. things got worst... pls refer to the following fotos for more details... lol...

bren looks happy 'stabbing' emily...

here's me.. seriously thinking i can make the balloon fly...

the lastest and newest fashion accessories...

my personal fave recommendation... the balloon specs... =)
see.. bren turned "coo coo"...
get wad i mean now??? everyone turned nuts... started blowing, twisting and bursting the balloons and zhu started comparing the balloons to dicks.. OMG! haha...
when we were abt to leave Bliss the owner asked if we could give him one of the balloon flower that i made... eileen gave him the ugliest one lah.. lol...

P.S: a bummer happened... well happily eating and toking nonsense... there was this lady in pink... fumingly walked over to this guy at the table right beside me... and splashed a pint of beer into his face... the beer splattered loh... kanna me! =( dots.. inconsiderate pple... however.. zhu was like so excited... coz she tot she can catch a "free show".. but the couple left almost immediately... oh well.. lucky that they left.. else that girl will get it frm me.. hump!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
hmmm.. damn pissed.. kick his balls.. cut his dick... and burn him alive....
#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
if i m rich.. and fret-free....
#3. If you could be at one place right now, where would it be?
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
yes yes yes...
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
a man who loves, see and care for me and me only... NO ONE ELSE.. i dun like to share my man.. i m selfish....
#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved... duh...
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
i have no idea... realli... if it happens it happens...
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
wad to do.. attached le i cannot do anything wad.. perhaps secretly hope they will break up ba.. muahahaha.. but seriously.. i wun be like some bitch or whore who goes ard to seduce other pple's bf....
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
a little here and there lah...
#10. What do you want most in life?
money.. money realli solves alot of my current prob now...
#11. Is being tagged fun?
ok i guess...
#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
rich.. filthy rich...
#13. Who is the current most important person to you?
#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
a human being? hah
#15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
that depends.. really... i dun mind to be rich if i m single.. but if i m single and not happy.. got money oso like shit.. however.. if i m happily married and poor.. i seriously dun mind... being in a blissful marriage no matter how poor nvm.. so... conclusion.. depends...
#16. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be ?
golden retriever... border collie... husky.. why cant sg govt let us have more than 3 big-size dogs.. =(
#17. What are one of those things which you would prefer not to do?
skydiving! i prefer to have my feet on the ground...
#18. What kind of person do you think you are?
a very troubled person...
#19. What do you define as a bad day?
when things juz dun go the way i wan...
#20. If you have to choose between love and friendship, what would it be?
i choose myself!
been to NSC today.. then drop by grandma's hse.. supposed to meet bren.. but she not feeling well.. so.. rushed back home be4 it rains..
washed my clothes.. took out some of my old clothes to either throw away or give away... pack out my old worn-out shoes to throw away... then i went on my fours to wipe every inch of my room twice... ok lah.. not every inch.. lazy to move my boxes and keyboard.. so i wipe ard the area... heee... but my floor is realli squeakly clean now... i can roll on my floor le....
have to buy some stuff for my room... a small sitting carpet... a few containers for my files.. and a table lamp... =) ikea here i come!!!! haha..
been out yest... was in town to check out jer's watch repair status... fossil pple sux at repair.. argh... anyway... i was in a desperate need of a new pair of flats... reason... monday's big rain coz a massive flood in punggol and my shoe's seam opened... =( sadz to the max...
so bren and xinyu acc me to far east to scout for my flats.. after a long search (i almosted gave up...) i found it!!!! yay... within my budget too.. =D i m a happy girl....
then a trip to browhaus to tame my brows.. and to grace's hse for mahjong...
damn silly loh me... 1st round win.. 2nd round lose... i was so cock.. kept xiao xiang gong.. duno why.. argh...
was planning to catch the last bus hm.. but i missed it... sadz.. in the end.. met up with jer at yck.. he poor thing.. kanna bully by a old homeless lady.. haha..
yawn.. tired...
going to take a nap...
nite pple...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
head hurts.. there are alot of things running through my mind... lots of things i need to give an answer to... lots of things i need to settle soon...
seriously i felt so tired...
i need a switch to off the activities in my mind.. =( i need some slp... juz one or two hours of peaceful slp... haiz...
polyclinic doc sux...
anyway... haven been feeling good... i duno why i have been falling sick so often... felt so lousy...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
had to get jer to rush dwn to the tuition center to be my 'voice'.... thanks jer... i think my kids kinda like him...
barely able to get a wink the whole week... coughing non-stop... i can feel my lung muscles growing.. oh.. not forgetting my abs too...
been to the doc twice.. waste my money!!!! i hate seeing doc.. thus.. i hate being sick... felt so lousy...
anyway... i m feeling better... had abit of my voice back... i've got a super sexy voice now k... haiz...
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Kampong Fish Therapy
thats baozhu trying to rid the skin on her hand...
my legs... *gu ci gu ci*
i m planning to go back there again.. fun!
Since a couple hours ago.. i had been cough mad.. and coughing out phlegm with a tint of blood... juz 30 mins ago.. i actually managed to sneeze out a huge block of mucus or phlegm (whichever) with lots of blood in it...
hurray! my throat's bleeding.... yay~~ -.-"
i cant tok coz it hurts and i cant control my desire to cough... pain pain pain!!!!!! ahhh~~~
i m hugging my 枇杷膏(pi pa gao) everywhere i go... thats the only thing that can numb my throat (other than painkiller).... =( feeling damn sad now... i m sick again... 2nd time in less than 1 mth...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Name one person who made you laugh tonight
hmmm... Jer with his singing....
What were you doing at 0800?
trying very hard to slp....
What happened to you in 2006?
err... i started sch... hmmm... and a whole lot more...
What was the last thing you said out loud?
Hey pple! Keep Quiet and Do Your Test!!!!!!!
How many beverages did you have today?
What color is your hairbrush?
woody brown
What was the last thing you paid for?
Cris-Cut Fries at Carl's Jr...
Where were you last night?
Out giving tuition...
What color is your front door?
Where do you keep your change?
my wallet lah.. duh!
What’s the weather like today?
Sky's pretty clear...
What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
Anything but vanilla...
What excites you?
for now?? hmmm.. my new mouse... hee....
Do you want to cut your hair?
yup.. planning to cut soon....
Are you over the age of 25?
nope.. 老娘 now onli 23... haha....
Do you talk a lot?
yup... of coz...
Do you watch the O.C.?
Not realli...
Do you know anyone named Steven?
Do you make up your own words?
hmmm... i do i guess... at times...
Are you a jealous person?
that depends if that person is important to me anot....
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
Who’s the first person on your received call list?
What does the last text message you received say?
kk.. nite...
Do you chew on your straw?
depends very much on my mood....
Do you have curly hair?
Where’s the next place you’re going to?
that will be on thurs to novena villa...
Who’s the rudest person in your life?
Hmmm... me? haha....
What was the last thing you ate?
Roasted pork rice...
Will you get married in the future?
i duno... i hope so....
What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
Dark Knight
Is there anyone you like right now?
When was the last time you did the dishes?
not very long ago...
Are you currently depressed?
a little...
Did you cry today?
no yet...
Why did you answer and post this?
coz i m bored and waiting for rachel ray show to come on ch 5...
bought lotsa stuff... hee... got myself 2 mouses... one in cheezy yellow.. another is cool blue... my old mouse decided to retire last week... its a torture to use the touch pad on my laptop...
so... yipee... i m or rather.. was a happy girl.. until a war broke out in my hse... zzz.. a war between my mum and my stepdad...
i gave up on them...
anyway... pray hard i wun get a fever... feeling kinda feverish since last nite....
going to give myself a good layer of body butter i bought today... and slp! nite peeps...
Sunday, August 03, 2008
watched Dark Knight with jer on Fri nite.. Great Show.... worth watching... =) hang out the rest of the nite talking at a coffeeshop near his place... haiz... seriously.. i do miss those times... hmm...
watched The Mummy with my GE peeps on Sat nite... hee... show's funny.. but bit lame... after show.. grab a bite at BK then crashed to Jiwen's hse... inital plan was either play wii or mahjong... and yes.. end up playing mahjong... and i won! hee... shiok!
slpt the whole day... my skin peeled the whole day too... ahh~~~