today's entry is on the good and the bad.. its long one.. with loads of pic..
lets talk abt the good 1st ba..
received my 1st bday present yest... =) frm xy, grace and tiannee... happy.. but!!! look at the amt of wrapping paper xy used to wrap.. i was so tired frm opening the present lah.. lol... one layer after one layer..

loved this dress that they bought for me.. =) at 1st tot that it was a scarf.. haha.. the prints look like one mah.. haha.. thanx babes.....
met up with emily after sch to go kbox plaza for my bday.. hee.. so exciting.. feels abit like 4ch class gathering.. coz almost all the "key pple" that made up the class came.. emily kept saying she felt extra.. coz she's frm 4bs.. come on.. think of the bigger pic man.. we are frm the SAME sec sch can.. muahaha...
opened bottle... chivas.. haha.. spent a damn long time to decide can.. kept making the waitress walking in and out of the room.. haha...

sry.. i looked retarded..

lets intro.. frm left to right..
pohkeong, merril, yiguang, kanghao.

frm left to right:kanghao, weekoh, baozhu, emily, yvonne.

emily with her boy, max.
haha.. c my face so big.. max oso came dwn.. thanx man...
ok.. camwhore time.. =p

my face looked so big lah...

ghost shot~

the smuggle.. haha.. *shhhhh..*

my boys.. my entertainers in class..

trying to bring back the "class photo" position... haha..

my class.. loved them!!

my besties...

pk being an uncle at kopitiam...
oh.. both of them were singing 童话 (the song zhu hate), when my dear zhu walked in with this!!!

my blueberry cheeze cake!!!!! yippeeeee~~~
haha.. i was procastinating that i wan a blueberry cheeze cake on facebook and on msn.. lol... baozhu saw.. and started to look for pple to buy.. and max bought the cake leh.. hahaah.. i m sooooo touched can.. 爱死你们了....
below are shots taken when i was dragged by pk to go dwnstair for a long talk.. so i duno wad the heck was happening... haha... looks funny though... haha...

Yvonne and moi! i think i can barely open my eyes sia..
then i think at this point.. weichuan (who was sing in another room) came over to gimmi a toast.. damn.. have to bottom up a mug of beer can.. *burp* oops...

all in all.. i enjoyed my party!! thanks gals and guys.. thanks for coming down.. thanks for present.. thank you thank you thank you.. =)
now for the bad news.. haiz.. i lost my wallet.. =( *sob* fuck lah.. i was in the cab and i cant find it.. eileen went back to help me find oso dun have.. whoever took my wallet.. please return me leh.. i juz wan my I/C and driver's license back.. u can keep the rest loh.. haiz.. *sad*
i was so happy de loh.. then this fuck up thing have to happen.. haiz.. made a police report ard 4am.. jer drove down to acc me.. haiz.. sad... sad... sad..
i was supposed to post this last week.. but.. haha. i was kinda lazy..
celebrated my bday at grace's hse last sat.. haha.. it was a last min thingy.. lol.. only 3 of us bbq.. hahah.. the 1st time so little pple bbq rite.. in the afternoon.. tiannee came dwn to acc us do grocery but left in the evening coz she have to go to her wang lee hom's concert.. during the preparation process.. i think onli grace and me are working.. hahaha. xy juz stand there and watch... then got to assign thing for her to do.. like washing stuff.. haha... she realli do funny ('dirty') things in the kitchen lah.. hahaha..
xy juz posing only k..
she wan to pose for me standing on one leg.. but she cannot hold.. haha..
got alot of food k.. we cannot eat le loh.. in the end.. we have to play texas hold'em to finish up the food.. haha..
after packing up.. headed back to grace's hse.. mahjong!!!! half way through.. ivan came.. lotsa tok cock sing song.. then started playing this!!!
fun can.. ahaha.. mixed the shot glass with alot of rubbish lah.. got red wine, rose wine, bacardi, chivas, beer, root beer, jap green tea, oolong tea, pokka green tea and water....
i had been pretty lucky k... mostly got the none alcholic drinks.. but i was happening grace with hers.. coz she turned into this..
lol... then i am starting to get high.. have to eat food to tahan the alcohol..
me and my onion cheeze hotdog...
decided to change game.. now left xy and ivan playing..
funny loh.. both of them lost.. but i have to help them drink.. why ar? then ivan did a funny thing to beg me to help him drink half a shot of red wine.. wad funny thing?? hahah.. have to see video then u will understand..
anyway.. xy cannot make it already.. k.o in grace's bed...
back to mahjong again...
looked at my hand!!!! this was wad i get the moment i open.. haha.. but too bad.. never play 七对子...
coming to abt 4am.. 2 of xy's fren came.. i oso cannot tahan already lah.. join xy in grace's room for awhile..
thats xy.. labelled "Drunk!"
reached home at 7am.. zzzz... but was woken up by a fone call.. haiz...
i still wan my wallet back.. =( please please return me.. *sob*
Once again.. I want to give my thanks to all the peeps who celebrated my bday with me.. haha. thank you all...