Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Xmas to all..

Juz came back frm a long day~

Xmas dinner with my kcp gang @ Sunset bay on mon nite... fun time.. lame pk.. haha..

hmm... started my 1st tuition class again in tues... god.. i got a girl in my class who is S-L-O-W.. haiz... chiam lah...
at yenting's hse today.... her bday... as usual every year... steamboat~ abit of mahjong~ guitar hero and ps3~

then i m off to meet jer for movie, Yes!man... its a must catch show!!! jim carry.. L.O.V.E him... haha... then~~~~~ PRAWNING~~~ my xmas present frm him... prawning is fun can!! a great activity to waste time.. haha... the onli i dun realli like is the handling of the worms... ekkk.. anyway.. i din handle any.. jer did everything.. that includes kanna pinch by one of the prawns.. hee...

we caught 8 in total in 2 hrs.. not alot for us, compared to the uncles there.. however to emily.. thats alot compared to her coz she onli got 3 prawns in 3 hrs.. hahaha...
the poor prawns are now frozen alive in the freezer... =p
thanx for the innovative xmas present... =)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

alrites alrites.. i've heard u.. i know i haven been blogging.. not used to jer's laptop can..

hmm.. been pretty busy.. ... doing sth.. haha..

looking forward to 22nd xmas dinner... expecting alot of MIAs..

looking forward to 24th yenting's bday steamboat party...

its going to be a seasons of piglets and chicklets.. hee =D

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

alrites.. its pretty official....

No 1: My laptop RIP-ed...

the stupid facebook virus caught me unguarded... and the recovery disc of HP suck to the core... reason?? the discs are not working again!! for the 2nd time..

so that explains my absence online recently....


No. 2: My handphone's going to RIP soon.... i cant get phonecalls and msg dun always comes in and goes out... zzzz...

why must everything spolit at the same time?????

anyway... jer rented a car for mi since last fri... a very dirty and "bumped up" nissan sunny... hahaa... oh well... better than no car rite... had fun... i had conquered the hor-ri-gi-ble-ness of the expressway... realised that i love to drive... and drive alone...

winding down the window to enjoy the chilling wind in the middle of the night... thinking over stuff... able to drive to places... one word... shoik!!

thank you~~^.^...


received a msg frm bren chen last nite... sth sad and unexpected happened... haiz... woman.. u must take care ah...

Monday, December 01, 2008

haha.. i think i haven been blogging lately...

hee.. been spending some quality time with my green monster...

ok.. now.. random updates.. not in order...

dinner with baozhu and emily @ bliss.. lotsa bullshit and "armpit" toking.. =p

last lesson at the tuition center.. yay.. i m free for the next one mth!! but dun ask me out please.. i plan to study...

grandma went genting today with uncle and family...

i m officially a 24-point driver... muahaha.. and jer rented a car for me next week to drive!!

sandal gave way yest while having brunch with grandma.. have to buy new one.. god!! waste my money!!!

hang out at grace's crib with xy and tn yest. its gambling time and DS time...

finally.. i think i almost have all my cards replaced.. leaving juz my IC... collection date will be this coming 10th..

POA test tml.. studying now..

now i m wondering if this year i can pass every subject.. sianz...

makan session with gie and bren on the 14th...

supposing to have a xmas dinner.. duno when yet... emily supposed to plan...

bought a new book to read.. allan and barbara pease's why he's so last min and she's got it all wrap up.. and yes.. i have bought all of their books.. except that now.. i have one book missing becoz of my bloody ex.. who refused to return me.. u F*****r!!!!


jer planning for a trip to new zealand soon.. hmmm.. wonder when.. and wonder if will really happen anot..

been on a mac'n'cheeze craze.. eat and eat non-stop.. of coz.. that explains the weight i've put on.. damn!

i still cannot clear bomerman's stage 2.. so irritated...

ok.. i think that ends my very very random post.. haha.. i'm off to bed.. nitez~