ok... here i go...

director george lucas' chair

Storm Trooper

star destroyer...

star destroyer (jumbo)


C3PO intial sketch

Tie Fighter

R2 D2


dear wif Boba Fett



Mon Calamari Transport


Master Yoda in black jedi robes


Padme's slave robe

Senator's desk table

Felucia Bladder Plant

General Grievous' staff...

Anakin Skywalker

Jedi's Robe

Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber

Darth Vader's Lightsaber

Queen Padme Amidala

Darth Vader

Queen Padme n one of her child
hmm... after all the exhibits... i was a bit bit bit disappointed... coz no Jar Jar Blink... how can??? hmm... dear dear bought this Astronaut Freeze-Dried Neapolitan Ice Cream for mi.. =)
then...eh... bring my grandma for dinner together... then both of us were kinda of retarted... coz we went to popular bookstore and browse thru the sec n pri textbooks... haha...
PS: wanted to post one pic up... but kind of conned by dear to promised not to post it up online.. haiz...
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